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Manna Inc.

Help Us Feed The Homeless

One in every ten Western Australians lives in poverty. With the rising cost of living, tens of thousands of WA families, pensioners and individuals are finding it increasingly difficult to meet their basic human needs.

Each year Manna provides over 90 000 hot 'n' healthy meals to the homeless and struggling people of Perth at an inner city park, 100 000 breakfasts to school kids and 800 food parcels to needy individuals and families. 

With no government funding, Manna relies on donations from the community to provide these essential services.

How will the funds be used?

Manna is a WA mainly volunteer-operated charity with four staff and over 200 dedicated volunteers.

Your donation goes directly to providing essential food items to those in the WA community that need it most.

Key Areas of Expenditure

  • $25 will provide 5 people with a hot 'n' healthy meal
  • $50 will provide 10 people with a hot 'n' healthy meal
  • $100 will provide 20 people with a hot 'n' healty meal.

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Contact Details

Manna Inc. 5 Mackie Street

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Will I receive a receipt for my donation?

Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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